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I Never Thought I'd Find
Label: Freshwater (Japan)
Catalogue No: (FR006)
Format: 7" Vinyl Single
Released: 2006
Price: $ 13.00
Dom Mariani And Neil Fernandes - I Never Thought I'd Find 7" Single
Associated:    Dom Mariani (Solo): Various   DM3:  Various Releases   DomNicks: Various   Majestic Kelp: Various   Stems: Various
Interesting little slab of Mariani's work with Neil Fernandes formerly of WA's The Manikins. I Never Thought I'd Find is a cover of the Manikins' track. The other two tracks are new. Always Wrong is a co-write with the recording band and Pussycat is penned by Mariani. I Never Thought I'd Find and Always Wrong can also be found on DM3's Shell Collection CD.
    1. I Never Thought I'd Find (Fernandes / Porritt)
    2. Pussycat (D Mariani)
    1. Always Wrong (Fernandes / Mariani / Scorer / Shawcross)